What is MEO-PV9 ?
MEO-PV9, α-Pyrrolidinopentiophenone (α-PVP) is an analog of pyrovalerone, a psychoactive compound that is regulated as Schedule V in the United States.However Pyrrolidinophenone-derived designer drugs, like α-PVP, are emerging drugs of interest.For instance PV9 (hydrochloride) differs from α-PVP by having heptaphenone in place of the pentiophenone portion of the compound.Therefore the physiological and toxicological properties of this compound are not known.In other words this product intended for forensic and research applications. Buy MEO-PV9 onlineÂ
MEO-PV9 Buy MEO-PV9 onlineÂ
However 4-methoxy PHPP is a new research chemicals from cathinone class , on you can buy 4-MEO-PV9 with a purity above 98%. 4-MEO-PV8 in powder form. Buy 4-MEO-PV8 enjoy other products from our cathinones shop.Above all or orders above 1000g(1KG) of buy 4-MEO-PV9 you should contact us on email.
Above all Pyrrolidinophenone-derived designer drugs, like α-PVP, are emerging drugs of interest. PV8 (hydrochloride) differs from α-PVP by having heptaphenone in place of the pentiophenone portion of the compound. The physiological and toxicological properties of this compound not known. This product intended for forensic and research applications.
Above all Pyrrolidinophenone-derived designer drugs, like α-PVP, are emerging drugs of interest. However PV8 (hydrochloride) differs from α-PVP by having heptaphenone in place of the pentiophenone portion of the compound.
4-methoxy PHPP is a new research chemicals from cathinone class , on you can buy 4-MEO-PV8 with a purity above 98%. 4-MEO-PV8 in powder form. Buy 4-MEO-PV8 enjoy other products from our cathinones shop.
For orders above 1000g(1KG) of buy 4-MEO-PV8 you should contact us on email.
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